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Letting Go and Expressing Yourself Freely

[box] A Cognitive Approach to Achieving Fluency by Mastering Your Blocking and Stuttering

Achieving Greater Fluency

Develop Professionally and Personally

Create Successful Choices

Change Behavioural Patterns

Reach Your Clients More Effectively

Enhance Your Relationships

Communicate Using Effective Language Patterns[/box]


A Cognitive approach to attaining more fluency, that will allow you to discover what is behind your blocking and stuttering, How to find the keys that will allow you to speak more naturally, express yourself more freely, with the possibility of gaining more fluency.

Read the testimonials of those that are having success in expressing themselves more freely, utilising the Neurosemantics NLP approach to speaking naturally, experiencing more freedom and more fluency more often. Assisting you to speak more freely.

“If you can speak fluently in even one context, you can speak more fluently in any context. You already have the skill; it’s just a matter of breaking free from the interferences”

– Bob Bodenhamer

What triggers your blocking/stuttering? How do you do it?

Once you understand what you are doing inside your head to block/stutter, you can re-train the brain to not do that. you can teach your brain to take the knowledge of speaking more freely, you already know how to speak and can transfer that knowledge to other contexts of your life.

Do you sometimes identify yourself with such statements as:

  • I am flawed
  • I am broken
  • I am not enough
  • I can’t be enough
  • I am timid
  • I am shy
  • I am shamed
  • I am possessed
  • I will always be a stutterer – that’s just the way it is

As a person who stutters, do you commonly experience feelings of:

  • Fear
  • Shame
  • Anxiety
  • Tension (blocking)
  • Frustration
  • Inadequacy
  • Embarrassment
  • Loss of control
  • Hurt
  • Abnormal rejection
  • Isolation
  • Anger
  • Self-pity

Do you at times believe about yourself:

  • Other people validate or determine my worth – what they say about me becomes my truth. People judge the content of what I am saying.
  • People in authority are only interested in their own viewpoint; therefore, what I say will always be wrong to them. I must protect myself from being hurt by others. I need to be respected and loved in order to speak more freely, and allow the possibility of becoming more fluent.
  • I must conceal my emotions. I need to change. I should be doing better. I can’t be enough. I got to do something. I have got to fix this problem. I am doing something “bad” to other people when I stutter. others seem to speak more freely, it seems to work for everyone but me!
  • I am worthless as a human being when I do not perform up to others expectations (perfectionism). My total value as a person is how I perform and especially “how” I speak.

“The biggest difference between stuttering and fluency is that fluent individuals do not think about stuttering”

– Bob Bodenhamer

Letting Go and Expressing Yourself More Freely by mastering your blocking and stuttering workshop has so much to offer you towards gaining more freedom in what you say.

Learning the skills to speaking more freely, can assist you to gain more fluency more often, by learning the ‘Keys’ to mastering your dys-fluency.

In the five days of training most of you will be entering into a brand new field of exciting discoveries. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which has been around since the mid-70’s and is being utilised everyday in business, corporate, education and personal training achievements and success. Newer still is the field of Neuro-Semantics® (NS) which L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. and Bobby G Bodenhamer, D.Min established. From these two fields of study, you will be experiencing some of the latest technologies in learning how to manage your own mind and control your own states – including learning how to gain state control in speaking more naturally, more fluently and gaining freedom of expressing yourself.

These two fields provide many different techniques for one to experience in learning how to manage one’s own states and thought processes. Indeed, they have numerous case studies that prove that these technologies provide effective techniques for the person who blocks/stutters (PWBS) to learn fluency. I suggest you visit Bob’s website at In learning to speak more freely, and achieving the ability of gaining more fluency, more often, one must learn how to gain control of one’s own states in all circumstances. Why is it that most PWS can speak freely in some contexts – like when by themselves, when speaking to a spouse or some trusted person or when speaking to a pet and block in other contexts?

What is causing this to happen? Now, does it not stand to reason, that if a person can speak freely, and often fluently in some contexts, that his/her mind-body system knows how to speak freely and more fluently in all contexts.

Does it not make sense that one does not need to re-learn how to speak?

That the person just needs to learn to move what they already know about speaking into other contexts of his/her life.We have learned that PWS do so due to negative thought patterns (mental frames of mind) that have been unconsciously learned.we have learned that blocking/stuttering is nothing more than a panic attack expressed in those muscles that control breathing and speaking.Treating blocking/stuttering is the same as treating panic disorders that NLP and NS have been successfully treating for many years.

This workshop allows you to understand the mental structures that determine whether or not you block or whether or not you speak naturally. You will discover your personal strategies and structure of blocking which will provide you with the tools that will assist you in minimising and the possibility of eliminating those old mental frames of mind that create the fear and anxieties about blocking that indeed trigger the blocking.

You will have more “choice” as to whether or not your thinking triggers your blocking or whether or not it triggers your natural voice. you will learn models that have proven to be most effective in leading many PWS to “speak more Freely”

It is just that simple at the base level – blocking/stuttering is primary a learned behaviour and therefore can be un-learned.

  • The workshop is based on the latest research and findings from the cognitive behavioural sciences of Neuro-Semantics and Neuro Linguistic Programming and specifically the work of Dr Bob Bodenhamer.
  • The manual workbook gives you added value with materials used from my own personal trainings and workshops, which include Time Line Therapy and Mind Powers, and many profound Learning and Behaviour models of change.
  • This programme is based on Dr Michael Hall’s (co-developer of Neuro-Semantics) revolutionary “”Matrix Model” and John Harrison’s “Stuttering Hexagon”.
  • The Keys To Speaking More Freely workshop uses technologies known to destroy the “structure” of stuttering/blocking and replace it with the “structure” of freedom of speech.
  • This workshop will affect not only your speech, but also your total self and your whole life in new and delightful ways.
  • It will change not just your blocking and stuttering behaviours, but the whole structure of being that supports those behaviours, into freedom of speech.

You are not a stutterer – you are a whole person who ‘may’ stutter from time to time.

You are so much more than your speaking – stuttering /speaking is a behaviour you are doing – learn how to change the behaviour

Stuttering/blocking is not only a way of speaking. It is also a way of thinking and ultimately of living.

Fluency is not just speaking more freely – but also living more freely about what you are doing

It is about freedom, having choices, and realizing your full potential in all areas of your life.

There is so much more to you than the way you speak.

Discover how you can and will easily express yourself more freely, and comfortably.

It matters most that you focus on what you want to say
instead of worrying about how you are speaking

Lorna has been encouraging me to concentrate on what I want to say instead of putting so much energy into how I am speaking. I was forced to forget about how I was speaking when my wife left me for another man, I was going through so much emotional turmoil and had to address a lot of self acknowledgement and self discovery, within three months I become aware that I was speaking more fluently and my stuttering was no longer the main focus in my life. It is now nine months and I am more confident, no longer go to support groups and I am living a fulfilling life. I recommend that you call Lorna, attend her trainings and discover how much we do not know about how we do what we do. – Kevin, Adelaide

This workshop offers you so much more than just ‘how you speak’. Letting Go is the key to you living a much more fulfilling life, it has been the most profound training I have ever attended that gave me all the tools I needed to move from a job in IT in a back room, to now being a very successful insurance and financial planner, speaking confidently with people every day. It is four years since attending this workshop in Brisbane, and I no longer think about or identify myself as being a stutterer. – Jeremy, NT


I attended this workshop and since then my whole life has changed, I travelled overseas, have met the girl of my dreams and married last week. I have a job I love, working with wonderful people and my fluency has improved to the point that it is no longer an issue for me. I recommend this workshop to all who have been holding on to their stutter for many years – learn the skills and apply them to your everyday life, live life, love yourself and get on with life. I am booked in to do the NLP practitioner training with Lorna as her expertise and experience with NLP and influencing language patterns is what I want to achieve. – Cameron, Qld

Read more on what others had to say here.

Now, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and NS (Neurosemantics) techniques/processes, offer you a great deal of information including many powerful and lasting results. Now, how does one organize the vast mount of knowledge under one umbrella of understanding? Michael Hall, Ph.D. has ingeniously provided a model called the “Matrix Model” – “7 Matrices of the Mind.” It is this model that these five days of intense training will follow. We have taken the “Matrix Model” – “7 Matrices of the Mind” and used it to describe the “structure” of blocking/ stuttering. Once we understand “how” the mind-body system creates blocking/stuttering, we can break down the thinking that happens when you block/stutter and learn how you do it.

Remember, you do not block/stutter all the time. So, what is the difference?

Suggested Reading for Preparation (These can all be purchased from resources page):

Mastering Blocking and Stuttering: A Cognitive Approaching to Achieving Fluency
– (2004) by Bobby G. Bodenhamer – This book was released by Crown House Publishers in Wales UK.

Secrets of Personal Mastery – L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

Other Recommended Reading:

Games for Mastering Fear: How to Play the Game with Calm Confidence – L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. with Bobby G. Bodenhamer

Dragon Slaying: Dragons to Princes – L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

Links, Articles and Techniques

The articles listed below are linked to Bobby G Bodenhamer’s website,, where you will find lots of helpful material to assist you on yoiur journey of achieving more fluency.

Brain 101 How to Play The Brain Game for Fun and Profit – L Michael Hall Ph.D

Eight “Keys” to Personal Change (Including Stuttering) – Bobby G Bodenhamer D.min

Suggestions for new PWS to the NLP/NS Model

The Structure of Blocking and Stuttering – How Your Create it

How to Create a Good Dose of Stuttering: The Neuro-Semantic Structure of Stuttering – L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D. Min.

Meta-Stating Stuttering: An NLP Approach to Stuttering by L. Michael Hall and Bobby G. Bodenhamer

The How-To of Meta Stating – Bobby G Bodenhamer D.Min & L Michael Hall Ph.D

The Art of Enjoying Non-Fluency – L Michael Hall Ph.D

Battling with Symptoms or Changing the Frameworks – L Michael hall Ph.D

A Model for Resolving Stuttering – Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D. Min. and L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

Mastering Blocking & Stuttering Workshop: My Experience Both before and After – Sarah White

How Can You Be Fluent Consistently in One Context * Block Consistently in Other Contests?

Confusing the Map with the Territory – Part 1 – Bobby G Bodenhamer D Min

Confusing the Map with the Territory – Part 2 – Bobby G Bodenhamer D Min

Straight Talk About Stuttering: Pyscho-Social Stress and Speech Dysfluency – Bernard-Thomas Hartman Ph D FAAMD

Can Hypnotherapy Assist People who Stammer? – Bobby G Bodenhamer D Min. This article provides a good summary of “how” Blocking & Stammering are structured in the mind-body system.

Workshop Presentations

Mastering Blocking & Stuttering – Presentation Handout for the National Stuttering Association – July 2005 Chicago Illinois

Mastering Blocking and Stuttering – NSA Presentation 2005 – Power Point Presentation

Word Document for download – NSA Presentation 2005

PDF – NSA Presentation 2005 for viewing and/or downloading

Mastering Blocking & Stuttering (html)- Presentation Handout for National Stuttering Association – June 2003 Nashville Tennessee by Bobby G. Bodenhamer

PDF format – NSA Presentation 2003 – Full Color

Patterns and Techniques Designed for Gaining Fluency

From Stuttering to Stability: A Case Study – Bob Bodenhamer, D. Min

Mind to Muscle Pattern: A Case Study – by Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D. Min.

Meta Stating Acceptance, Appreciation, Self Esteem/Awe – Hall & Bodenhamer

Embodying Negative Emotions: Guess Where a Stutterer Embodies His/Her Emotion? – Bobby G. Bodenhamer. L. Michael Hall, Ph.D

Questioning Fearing Judgements of Others – Bobby Bodenhamer D.min

The Power Zone Pattern with Responsibility To/For (PDF Format) – Begin Taking Your Power Back

Foreground-Background: Qualities that Make a Powerful Difference – By Bobby G Bodenhamer, D.Min.

Un-Insult-Ability: The Identity Gestalt of Living Beyond a Fragile Ego – by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

The Stress Fight/ Flight/ Freeze Pattern: A “Self-Help” Pattern in Overcoming Blocking/ Stuttering – by Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.

How Neurosemantics has helped me both to gain fluency and live life more richly – Roddy Grubbs

Gary’s Fluency Strategy: Viewing Blocking/Stuttering from Different Perspectives – Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min. with Gary Lindenbaum

Rising Up to Drop-Down Through: The Art of Dropping-Down Through Experiences – Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D. Min. and L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

Overcoming Blocking and Stuttering – A Testimony – by Stephen

Max Stringers Power Point – Model For Fluency

Meta-Yes Meta-No: Say ‘No’ to Fear/Anxiety and ‘Yes’ to Courage and Faith – Bobby Bodenhamer

The Drop Down Through & Mind-Backtracking Pattern – L Michael Hall Ph.D & Bobby G Bodenhamer D.Min

Multiple Patterns For Mastering Fear. Part 1 – Case Study of “Overcoming the Fear of Flying” – Bobby G Bodenhamer D.Min

Multiple Patterns For Mastering Fear. Part 2 – Case Study of “Overcoming the Public Speaking and Agoraphobia” – Bobby G Bodenhamer D.Min

Secrecy Dragons. Frames for Secrecy vs Openness – L Michael Hall Ph.D

Supercharge your Ego Strength – L Michael Hall Ph.

More articles on the mastering stuttering website

Letters to a Desperate Stutter – by Linda Rounds. This book is a must read for anyone who stutters or who is helping someone who stutters.

Tim Mackesey and visit his website at

John Harrison See several articles by John Harrison on the Minnesota State University Mankato Website and download a pdf of his book Redefining Stuttering

Rene Robben

Hazel Percy

Kau Valluri

Winton Bates

For more information call Lorna: 1300 306 803